1.The fee for the current week of service of service must be paid by the Monday (or first school day) of the week at 6:00pm.
2. Any account that does not have a balance of $0 on Monday (or the first day of the week) will be assessed a late fee of $20.
3.Each week that the balance remains over $0, an additional fee of $20 will be assessed.
4.Payments can be made bi-weekly. However, one week must be paid in advance so that the balance reflects a credit for one week or $0. Otherwise, #2 above will still apply.
A fee of $2 per minute after the close of the day will be billed for all late pick ups. The organization will label accounts with the tag “CHRONIC LATE PICK UPS” whenever the time sheet shows proof of any of the aspects listed below:
Once the account is labeled with the “CHRONIC LATE PICK UPS” tag, all students associated with the account may be suspended from aftercare services for up to 3 consecutive days following the first lateness after receiving the tag. In the event that an account contnues to have late picks ups after a suspension, services may be terminated at the discretion of the directors.
1.Services will be terminated for any students attached to an account that is more than 3 weeks in arrears.
2.In cases where students continue to attend, the following actions will take place:
3.After a termination letter is rendered, and services have ceased, services will reconvene on the exact day the balance is returned to $0.
4.Any account being listed as “UP FOR TERMINATION” more than 3 times in a school year, will be terminated PERMANENTLY.
The information below reflects the new late payment policy that will go into effect on December 1, 2021.
phone: 443-927-8777 fax:1(888) 627-0686
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